Friday, February 10, 2012

The next chapter

As we embark on the next chapter of our lives, I thought it would be fun to document the toils, joys and milestones of our new little family. 

We couldn't be happier or more excited to be parents.  Evan is our pride and joy. He's such a handsome and funny little boy and just perfect.  He's already getting so big at 8 weeks old. He just wants to stand all day long and pulls himself up with my hands. He makes the funniest face when he does this, but I have yet to catch it on camera since he's holding on to both my hands at the time. 

He has been able to sit in the bumbo for a couple weeks now and likes that sometimes. It makes him throw up if he sits in it too soon after he eats.  I thought sitting up in it might help with his acid reflux, but it seemed to do just the opposite.


He's beginning to like toys and stare and bat at them. He likes to watch the birds fly around on his play gym and listen to the music. It has lights, too, but he doesn't really seem fond of them so I don't usually turn them on.

He thinks rattles are hilarious and his favorite is his giraffe. Just yesterday he decided to try to put things in his mouth and was sucking on giraffe's ear for a little bit. 

He still sleeps quite a bit during the day and loves when I wear him in the moby wrap. I love this because I can get a lot done and since he hates the stroller, it still allows me to go out. I actually think it's easier anyway.

He's just started sleeping longer at night which is why I'm able to sit down and write this.  He sleeps for 5 hours when he first goes to bed and then is up every 3 hours to eat after that, but its progress and I'll take it.

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